Rosh Hashanah is coming.
This might not be news for those of you who are regularly involved in Jewish life, but it is big news.
We do Heshbon HaNefesh, an accounting of our soul, an accounting of our lives. We ask ourselves big questions and little ones:
Are we making the right choices?
How have we spent our last year?
Is this how we will spend the next one?
How are we treating the people in our lives?
How are we treating ourselves?
Did we eat well?
Did we exercise our bodies?
Did we exercise our souls?
Did we exercise our minds?
What is our prayer life like?
What are our relationships like?
What are our relationships like?
Are we demonstrating love to our selves, our families, our friends?
Below are some photographs from this week. Looking forward to celebrating the holidays with you at CBI!
Turning our Jewish house into a Jewish home--hanging up mezuzot |
Another great conversation at Black Crow--next time will be in the CBI sukkah |
At Selichot we changed the Torah covers |
Putting white covers on the Torah helps us remember our goals for the year |
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